Campus safety is Jerabek's top priority. Teachers, support staff, school police services and community organizations work together to prevent, prepare and respond to emergency situations. CAMPUS SAFETY INCLUDES TRAFFIC SAFETY...THE DROP-OFF AND PICK-UP OF STUDENTS!
Traffic Safety
Drop-off and Pick-up Procedure
In order to keep traffic moving during drop-off and pick-up, as well as keeping our students safe, please be reminded to follow the rules of the road.
Parents should not attempt to drop children off by driving into the school parking lot. The safety of our children is important to all of us.
- The student drop-off and pick-up line along the Avenida Magnifica fence line is for unassisted loading and unloading. The purpose of this line is for parents to drop-off from car or meet students at car in line, load or unload, and proceed on your way. Please do not use this line if your student needs assistance loading and unloading.
- Please do not park and leave car unattended in the designated drop-off/pick-up line during drop-off and pick-up times.
- Move with the flow of traffic.
- When parking in neighborhood, please do not block our neighbors driveways!
- Have children only exit car on sidewalk side, not street side.
- Please continue to stop signs and cross at the crosswalk. Please do not cross in middle of street.
- Help keep our students safe and avoid all U-turns! Thank you!
- No left turn from staff parking lot.
- FOR THE SAFETY OF OUR STUDENTS - our parking lot is blocked before school 8:15-8:40 and after school 3:00-3:20 - cars may not enter or exit during this heighten safety alert time.
Please note drop-off zone and no-parking zone. The school parking lot is for teachers and staff parking only.
If you visit our school, please park on Avenida Magnifica or in the parking lot at Jerabek Park. Limited spaces are available due to construction. Stairs to sidewalk from Jerabek Park are closed off.